

it-zoom.de - 05.07.2019

No storage system offers absolutely reliable security - and it is only by combining different storage technologies that technology-related weaknesses of individual solutions can be largely…

3-2-1 Rule - Store data securely

No storage system offers absolutely reliable security, and it is only by combining different storage technologies that technology-related weaknesses of individual solutions can be largely…

Durability of information memories

The most different data carriers have unique selling points that make them more or less useful for one or the other application. There is no data carrier that offers one hundred percent…

Mitsubishi Chemical Medias Metal Ablative Layer (MABL) technology

According to the ADTC (Archive Disc Test Center - NPO Entity) study, Mitsubishi Chemical Enterprise Grade Blu-ray Discs offer over 200 years of data security on both the 50 GB and the 100 GB…

Sony 128GB BD-R XL Speichermedium

INCOM signs partner contract with Sony for the direct purchase of 128 GB Blu-ray Recordables and distributes the discs in connection with archiving systems exclusively in Europe. The…