Epson Discproducers are used to create patient CDs/DVDs in the medical environment by almost all radiologists, orthopaedists and hospitals. But they are also used for long-term storage of information in data-intensive areas such as film or research and in offline long-term archiving. The switch to higher-capacity Blu-ray now makes it possible to back up and archive large amounts of data on BD-R in a short time.
The PP-100N systems have an integrated NAS module, allowing the disc producer to be directly integrated into the network and controlled from any modality or application via the Epson Total Discmaker.
Since DVD recorders are now being replaced by Blu-ray recorders at almost all manufacturers, the conversion to a uniform drive model for the entire Epson Discproducer product line is a logical step. The two recorders are no longer far apart in price and a BD drive is 100% compatible with CD-R and DVD-R media. The new BD-R drives thus now cover the complete range of optical storage media.
For integrators who still have the DVD-R model integrated and want to continue using it for the time being, INCOM can still supply the DVD-R predecessor model of the Epson Discproducer PP100N II for a transitional period. Please contact us at short notice. Of course, we also supply EPSON-certified printable optical media from various manufacturers and will be happy to answer your questions about the reliability and durability of the various DVD and BD media.